4 Clash Royale Tips to Improve your Gameplay
Hello guys, I have received a lot of questions about improving Clash Royale decks or people getting stuck in some certain Arenas lately. You know what? Sometimes It’s not because of your decks or your King’s Tower level or your card levels, it’s because of you. This guide is going to be a little too serious for players who don’t really want to improve and climb. Thanks simplyinsomniac for sharing these tips for us!
Clash Royale Tips to Improve your Gameplay
Yourself is the only thing in your control: This is definitely the most important thing you must engrave in your mind If you want to improve your gameplay. Why? Because you just can’t control who you are going to be matched against, what decks they will use, how many money they have spent,…. You can only control your decks and your playstyle so keep watching your replays, learn from your mistakes, figure out what you did wrong and avoid doing those mistakes in the next matches.
Adapt in Clash Royale: I see people get stick in cycles most of the time and those cycles always result in the same outcomes. If it didn’t work for you last time, don’t try again the next time. Always try to take advantage of this guys! If you place your P.E.K.K.A down and your opponent immediately counters your play with Minion Horde, 80% he is going to do that the next time. I usually play pre-Arrow and that would be one of the most satisfied moves in game! Even If you lose that game because of the missed-Arrows, I guarantee you can make the most of it most of the time. If you know your opponent is going to place his 7 Elixir P.E.K.K.A behind his King’s Tower and you don’t have one, just rush the other side and use your cheap troops to lure his P.E.K.K.A to the middle.
Adapt to the meta: This is a bit self-explanatory but seems like a lot of players trouble with this. In each Arena, there are some decks that are played significantly (for example, Hut Decks are played a lot in Arena 3-4). If you can figure out the weakness of those decks, you can easily build a counter deck and push much faster. You just can’t push from Arena 1 to Arena 8 with just 1 deck!
Know your deck inside out: This is very important If you want to climb higher with decks shared on Clash Royale Arena. You will know your deck better If you build it from scratch, but If you want to use a deck I shared, this is extremely important. It’s very essential for you to understand your win condition and the limitations of your decks so you can play wisely for a draw whenever you think you are not going to win.
Okay guys that’s all I want to say today. Hope you really enjoyed this post! Don’t hesitate to leave your opinion here and discuss about Clash Royale!
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