Top Tips for Players Who Are Getting Stuck in Clash Royale
I am Kovalevy and I am currently in Arena 8 as a level 9 player. My best trophy record is 3403 and my favorite decks are the low cost ones. I consider myself as a Hog Rider player before but I have been switching to Miner + Mini P.E.K.K.A lately, with lots of good results. My commons are still level 8, Rares are level 5-7 and Epics are 2-3.
- The higher level cards you have, the easier your battle is. Try to join an active Clan that requests cards and donates a lot. Join our Clan Recruitment Group If you haven’t, you can easily find lots of great Clans there. You should focus on no more than 2 decks, keep requesting cards for your decks. Focus on upgrading a certain card before switching to the others. When I was in Arena 5, I requested Hog Rider only and took the advantage of what high level Hog can do.
- I strongly recommend reading this guide in order to know how to choose the best cards to upgrade! You “should” focus on your Commons, they are better than Epics. You can make a deck of 8 Commons but it’s very hard to make a deck of more than 2 Epics.
- In the current meta, your Deck’s Average Elixir Cost shouldn’t be more than 3.5. If it’s more than 3.5, make sure you also use an Elixir Collector in your Deck. Also, you should have at least 1 building targeting card in your deck, such as Giant, Royal Giant, Hog Rider, Miner, Goblin Barrel,… otherwise you will find it hard at destroying your opponent’s Tower (although I have seen lots of great decks which don’t have building targeting troop, such as this one). Honestly, it’s much easier when you have a unit that loves buildings.
- Be patient, don’t rush, learn the game. Don’t spam your cards when you have enough Elixir for them. If your opponent is smart, he can always counter your attacks with less Elixir and make the counter push right after that.
Here are some basic examples for you: (for more details please learn
how to counter push and take the Elixir advantage!)
Distracting: If your opponent’s Mini P.E.K.K.A is running towards your Tower, use your Skeletons to distract and prevent it from destroying your Tower.
Pulling: When the opponent’s Hog Rider running towards your Tower, place your Inferno Tower down in the middle to pull the Hog Rider and kill it.
Sniping: A Knight is coming down your way and being followed by Archers. drop your Mini P.E.K.K.A right on those Archers to snipe them.
- Reading guides on Clash Royale Arena is definitely one of the best ways to improve your skills. Also, watching replays from top players is a great way to learn new tricks. Don’t forget to watching your replays everyday to see your obvious mistakes.
- Always try to fight in your side of the Arena. With the help from Arena Towers, you can win the fight much easier.
- Skeletons is the best cards in Clash Royale. This is hands down, no matter If you have Legendary or not. Why? Please take a look at this in-depth post of top 10 cards in game.
- Last but not least, stay calm, never over commit! If you are level 9 and still getting stuck in Arena 7, this is probably your biggest reason.
This is my Hog Rider deck I used before to push to Arena 8. Actually I strongly believe that it works in every Arena so just give it a try If you like Hog Rider!
Small note: If you usually face Hog Riders, always prefer your Barbarians over Cannon because you will get a 5 Elixir counter push of full HP Barbarians right after defending.
Okay thank you very much for reading guys! I hope you have found my tips helpful!
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