Best Ways to Counter Prince

Best Ways to Counter Prince

Definitely Prince is the hardest troop to deal with for new players in Clash of Clans. Most new players don’t know how to counter Prince properly. No worries guys. Today Orange Juice is going to show you how to deal with him like a pro!
clash royale counter prince

How to counter Prince Like a Pro

Prince is potentially the strongest car you can en counter when first starting the game. If left alone, a Prince can  wreck a tower very fast. He is one of a few troops which can solo kill a Tower.
A lot of players don’t relize that Prince is technically as ranged troop as he has 2.5 attack range. Versus a melee troop, it will have to walk up to him. His first strike when charging does double the damage.
Clash Royale Prince Informaiton
  • Some players like using him as a mini tank since Arrows and Fireball are inffective.
  • Using Witch is a nice way to counter prince but only when you placed her properly. Don’t drop her too late or too far, otherwise she will die or your Tower will take a lot of damage. Drop your Witch immediately once your opponent drops his Prince. You may also want to drop her in front of your King’s Tower to prevent opponent from lightning/Fireball/Rocket her when your King is sleeping. Also, by doing this, your Witch will have enough time to sommon the second Skeleton wave before getting charged and be ready for the counter attack.
  • I always like dealing with Prince by using cheap cards such as Goblins, Skeletons, Tombstone,… and luring him to the middle. I recommend you reading my lure tips now.
  • You usually face Prince + Bomber combo in lower Arenas and it seems very hard to counter… You can separate them with a pull since Bomber is slower and has a further attack range than Prince. Prince will be distracted by your pull but Bomber doesn’t. If you have Fireball or Minions, use it to kill Bomber immediately while luring Prince.
  • Giant + Prince Combo? Use small troops to lure the Prince to the other lane!
  • If it’s too late to pull, you should use a cheap card in front of your Tower to pay more time. That way Prince won’t have enough distance to charge up and do double damage to your Tower.
  • Don’t forget that you can also pull him with defensive building cards and Tombstone is the most effective structure to counter the Prince. You want to time it to have at least 2 Skeleton waves. If it’s too late to lure him to the middle, drop your Tombstone in front of your Tower.
  • If you don’t have any small unit on your hand, you can still use tanky units such as Giant, Knight, Valkyrie, Skeleton Army.
  • You can use Huts to counter Prince but I don’t recommend dong this since it will give your opponent Elixir Advantage. But that’s great If you already had a Hut on the ground.
  • If the Prince already hit your Tower, don’t ignore otherwise you will lose a crown. You wan to use Musketeer, Spear Goblins, Goblins,… to take him down as soon as possible and also set up a counter attack.
Okay guys thanks for reading. Don’t forget to comment If you need help and share this with your friends If you found these tips helpful!
Thank to
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