Arena 4 Deck – Freeze Hog Strategy

Arena 4 Deck – Freeze Hog Strategy

This is my Clash Royale Arena 4 Deck with freeze-hog variant, the thing I (sniper00) always admired about the Freeze-Hog strategy is how versatile it can be. Most cards in this deck are designed to assist the strategy by making positive elixir trades and punishing bad macro by the enemy.
Arena 4 Deck with Freeze Hog

Clash Royale Arena 4 Deck – Freeze Hog Strategy

The use of Cards in this Arena 4 Deck

Note: Here are some positions I am going to talk in this page:
  • Hog Rider: This card is the staple of this Deck, it is also your primary win condition. This card is the only card in your deck that should be used purely for offense, never try to play this card in a defensive position. You will always want to drop this bad boy in position #1, so he can get to the crown tower ASAP and start hammering away at your opponents family jewels!
  • Freeze: This card is the other staple of this Clash Royale Arena 4 Deck. It is the most versatile card in your deck. You will mostly use it for offense, but you can also use it for defense. On offense, you will want to unleash your piggy, then wait until your opponent drops troops to counter or if your hog gets to about half health. Try to encompass your opponents tower and all troops attacking your hog. On defense, this spell can be used to buy yourself 5 seconds of free attacks and elixir recovery against a possible game-winning push. You have no idea how many times I have won a game simply because I was up 1-0 or 2-1 with 10 seconds left and instead of using freeze on a tower, I freeze my enemies huge push for my tower and the game ends with yours truly the victor.
  • Baby Dragon: This card is your primary splash damage card. I use it almost solely for defense, but it usually ends up attracting more attention than it deserves; this is where punishing your opponents mistakes can win you games in a very decisive manner. When opening, drop him in position 3 or 4. If you are reacting to a quick push of barbs or minion horde, a drop on position 3 or 5, depending on how quickly you need to start getting damage off, is usually optimal. I don’t usually use him on offense, but if I do he will usually accompany a troop such as mini-pekka or hog, who can get swarmed rather easily.
  • Mini-Pekka: I was super fond of this card when I first started playing, that is to say I didn’t actually know how to get true value out of him. Many players think he is a bad troop for the fact that he is squishy-ish and gets distracted too easily. The key to mini-pekka is that he transitions from defense to offense very smoothly. You can drop him in counter to any fatty that your opponent decides to drop. He is tanky enough to survive some pokes from spear goblins, but he outputs a ridiculous amount of damage to shred the enemy tank or pop a few back-liners for a hugely positive elixir trade. If your opponent drops a giant with musketeer behind it, you can throw a mini-pekka down on the giant and some skeletons or knight on the musketeer. They will kill the giant and musketeer while only losing 500 max health on tower and resulting in a 2 elixir profit. They both should have full or close to full health. This is where the transition to offense works so well, you can drop a baby dragon to take care of swarms that distract the mini-pekka and knight. Now you have a strong counter push that will take your opponent’s tower while they are waiting on elixir to counter your push.
  • Skeletons: Skeletons is the best-value card in the game. 1 elixir counter to prince, musketeer, knight, hog, mini-pekka, and giant skeleton. They should be used solely on defense. When used correctly, they create elixir advantages that can win you the game in the first 20 seconds. They will always be dropped in position 5, never drop them too high up otherwise you will not get the assistance from the crown tower. Skeletons are the least versatile, but one of the most valuable cards in your deck.
  • Arrows: No deck is complete without a splash damage spell. This spell is just a great counter to any hordes at all. I have been experimenting with fireball as a replacement, and I might list the pros and cons of each in this Deck in a reply after playing more matches with each. If your opponent is playing a swarm deck, I would hold on to arrows until you absolutely need them, don’t waste them right when your opponent places a minion horde, let it come to your tower and try to squeeze as much value from it as possible.
  • Spear Goblins: This card is a great counter to any flying troops, they output a steady amount of damage and have good range to sit behind towers and poke away at squishy or slow threats from the opponent. They are also the best alternative to taking out hordes if you don’t have arrows or baby dragon. Unless I am using them to counter a single target squishy, I place them in position 3, if you have to counter prince of musketeer, throw em in position 5 to get the jump on their push.
  • Knight: Knight is probably the most underrated card in this game. He is the swiss army knife of the deck. With 960 HP and 110 DPS at level 6, he is the equivalent of 2 barbarians without the vulnerability to fireball. He is a semi-tank while being able to positively trade against squishy DPS. He can eat a Prince charge and 2 attacks after that, he will shred through your backline if left alone, and he does some decent damage to towers if he ever is left to roam freely. For a 3 elixir card, he is such a great card to include to keep elixir costs down but still be able to trade positively with most cards your opponent will throw at you.


Hog-Freeze: You should be able to beat your cousin with smart macro and calm plays. Never panic drop troops and always consider your options in the downtime between trade and pushes. when he tries to use his lethal combo, try to bait out the freeze with skeletons or spear gobs, then drop a mini-pekka and counter-push the lane. Try to keep the fight on your side of the battle until you can shred a tower in 1 push, then you can counter efficiently and whittle down the other tower.
Sim City: If they are still using building decks, just try to trade positively with their win condition, which is usually xbox or mortar, and go for a draw. If you can sweep their board with a well-placed fireball, then abuse it and shove with a hog in position 1, or build a push with knight+mini-pekka+baby drag or a damage+tank combo. Now that you can’t place a tesla to defend an xbow, they are easily countered with a hog for a 2 lix adv.
Project Pink PEKKA: Survive the first push and the last push and you win the game. Never push the other lane until you’ve dealt with the P.E.K.K.A, as she has the ability to take out your tower and king tower if left unattended. They will usually open with her in the back, and then drop some AOE troop to clear the way for her. This is a situation where you will want to use freeze defensively. If it is possible, kill the AOE troop quickly during the freeze or before if you can manage without casualties. Then you must swarm the P.E.K.K.A with skeletons and gobs, then drop a Mini P.E.K.K.A to kill her. If this is done right, you will be able to effectively play the rest of the game out as your opponent will be playing with 3 cards in hand until they can drop their P.E.K.K.A  again. Abuse the time when they are recovering from using all their elixir on their first big push, and don’t be afraid to sacrifice a tower in exchange of a 5-6 elixir advantage early on. As long as his troops don’t get to your kings tower then you will be able to win the game off smart macro.
Swarms and Spawners: This matchup is probably your easiest matchup, just abuse your splash damage cards and make sure that you can always reply quickly to a rage spell. If they drop a barb hut, immediately hog the other side. Try to get archers or spear gobs out of them and drop a baby drag to counter the barbs for the time being. Just try to take 1 tower in first 2 mins and be smart with lix trades, it’s ok to let the spear gobs hit your tower as they don’t do enough damage to warrant spending elixir on them.
Control and Beatdown: Both of these decks play fairly similar in the fact that their win-conditions are very singular. You usually just want to play defensive and take advantage of misplays or overcommitment from the opponent. Try to whittle down the opponents tower with sporadic pushes, but always keep track of your opponents elixir and be ready for a big push when they are around 8-10.
Okay thank you very much for reading guys. I hope you like this Clash Royale Arena 4 Deck and can get a lot of more trophies with it in the future!
Thank to
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